A Vision of Birth
For millennia women have been birthing their babies together and healing their communities. Modern medicine has made advancements in our health, but birth is not a medical event to advance. It is a wise and normal physiological event to protect.
Women, surrounded by other women, have always known how to birth and how to heal. I believe I have been called to the path of midwifery to remember this sacred truth once again and to protect what our grandmothers always knew, that as women we are made of magic and that birth is a magical event.
As women, it is our sacred birthright to birth our babies in power and freedom. This doesn’t always mean ease and comfort. Birth is a right of passage and an initiation into realizing more of your true self. Choosing to birth in power and freedom means having the courage to surrender to the unknown and to YOUR unique destiny. As my teacher and a wise woman traditional midwife, Whapio would say, “It is not my privilege to know the destiny of another human being”.
As your midwife, I cannot and do not promise outcomes. Hospitals are places designed to control outcomes. Home birth is a place to let go of control and surrender to the Greater Mystery within yourself and within Birth. My passion for this work is to create a place within you where you can find yourself and meet yourself, not to manage you. What I do promise in this sacred work is to walk with you, nourish you, share my knowledge/wisdom, and hold space for you to find yours. Birth in its most divine expression and human right is a ceremony, and I choose to be here to reimagine this sacred space with you.
The resurgence of the sovereign birthing woman is coming… Is she YOU? Are you ready to claim it?
Kayla Provides Birth Services as a part of a
local midwifery collective, Organic Home Birth, in
Colorado Springs, CO. For more information on birth services with this
collective or how to work with Kayla for birth or prenatal care you can also visit:
traditional postpartum care
sacred prenatal and home birth services
I envision a world where prenatal care is more than clinical exams, vital signs, and screening assessments. It is not because I think these things don't have a place in our world today. I believe they serve a purpose and I utilize them to retrieve valuable information that at times is relevant. But in the words of my teacher and wise woman traditional midwife, Whapio, A Mother Will Find Her Way. I believe in following the mother because I believe she is the one who will always know what is best for herself and her baby. I believe in encouraging and listening to her intuition and instincts. Only you can birth your baby, this is your sacred initiation. But I will be with you every step of the way, reminding you who you are. You will not be alone.
What does my midwifery practice look like?
I can no longer separate my midwifery practice from my spiritual practice. If I have learned anything so far, its that pregnancy and birth are spiritual events. They are sacred ceremonies. I have been led here as a part of my own spiritual path and personal destiny. I love this work and for every moment that I get to be a part of it, I am honored. This work is an act of service not only for the evolution of women and babies but also for the evolution of all of life. Birth is a mystical force with so much unknown. One of the greatest lessons it has taught me is the act of surrender. I believe birth when undisturbed and given the right environment is an altered state of consciousness. My intentions are to help you surrender to that state because that is where I believe birth becomes magic, becomes transformative, and also becomes free and powerful. Even in unforeseen challenges or unanticipated changes, when surrendered to this state, it may still be free and powerful.
My time with you alongside your pregnancy journey will be led by you and your needs as much as possible. I believe nourishment on all levels, physical, soul/spiritual, and emotional, is key to a healthy pregnancy. This means visits might look like walks in the park, bodywork, yoga, meditation, long heart talks and more. We will discover together what serves your well-being best and always begin from there. We will always end with physical well-being checks of you and your baby. I choose home birth because I believe that this is the place that allows for the best opportunity for true physiological and undisturbed birth. My approach for attending your birth is to be as hands-off as possible and spending time together in a free consultation is a great way to discover what this looks like in more detail!
Back in time, when pregnacy and birth were still seen as sacred and magical experiences, so was postpartum. But today, so much of our hustle and bustle culture has taken away from this sacred time and turned it into a time of high depression/anxiety and isolation for new mothers and pressure to “get back to normal” life and bodies. But our ancestors didn’t see it this way. We used to have many special traditions and ceremonies that were designed to hold space for transitions into motherhood, gaurd babies from exposure to the outside world to soon, honoring placenta birth and supporting mothers gently as their bodies and souls return back to a state of non-pregnancy. I want to bring back the sacred to this time. As a part of your sacred prenatal care and birth we will also reenvision sacred postpartum care. In addition to standard mother and baby wellness visits, I offer traditional Cuarentena care, Closing of the Bones (or Cerradas) ceremonies, intentional placenta birth and umbilical cord severances, placenta honoring ceremonies and more. You can learn more about these offerings here. Indeigenous cultures around the world all have ceremonies intended to honor not just the baby but also the mother. Postpartum is its own sacred initiation, and we will spend a dedicated amount of time discussing and planning for this special time through out pregnancy.