bienvenido! I’m Kayla gomez,
Home Birth Certified Nurse-Midwife/Partera, Medicine Woman and Holistic Health Practitioner
I choose to do this work because I believe in Birth and I believe in YOU. Journeying through the mysteries of birth has become my hearts work. Sitting at the feet of women and home birth has taught me so much about life and what it means to be truly safe. Birth calls me back to a time where women were celebrated for their power and midwives were celebrated as wise women healers. During these times birth was believed to be a rite of passage for women and also for babies. This is the vision of birth I hold for you.
My path into Midwifery has been a spiritual and practical journey. I love midwives because I believe they are a beautiful representation of walking between worlds. Trained in scientific knowing and application and also equally skilled in divine listening and unfolding. I have always
loved to study science, nature and biology while being able to apply my hearts wisdom and
ancient medicine. I received my Doctorate in Nurse-Midwifery at the University of Washington
after working as a psychiatric nurse for almost a decade, teaching yoga and apprenticing as a
shamanic women’s herbalist. All these paths intersect today to make up who I am as a midwife
and I can’t imagine attending birth anywhere but home. My passion for health and birth is to
share my knowledge and experience in a way that unlocks your freedom so that you can see
yourself as your own healer and best advocate for what’s right for your unique health journey.
Midwifery is women’s work, it is sacred work and it is spiritual work. In addition to obtaining medical licenses, I have also dedicated many years to equally important work, the holistic and sacred healing arts. I consider myself to be a practitioner of ancient medicine. I am a prenatal and hatha yoga teacher, intuitive and energy bodyworker, shamanic herbalist and healing practitioner, ceremonialist and ritualist, fertility awareness method (FAM) specialist, and meditation guide. I love to blend all of these gifts into unique offerings tailored to your health and wellness intentions. Our ancestors knew the sacred truth: that we heal ourselves. From this truth they practiced, and within us, we can remember.
As a part of Organic Home Birth, I provide home birth services as well as Traditional
Postpartum Care that honors the Cuarentena and other holistic womens & wellness services as
well. I am so excited to meet you!
You are the Healer you have been waiting for. Are you ready?
My Approach
“And so the midwife preforms her work by doing nothing.
She teaches without speaking a word.
Thnigs rise and she lets them come, Things leave and she lets them go.
Creating and not possessing, working but laying no claim.
and so when her work is done, she forgets it. And so it lasts forever.”
The Tao of Miwifery
Radical health responsibility
Do you wish to be free? True freedom comes from the courage to own your choices. If relying on someone else to tell you what to do, you open yourself up to become a victim to their outcomes. Yes, knowledge is power and so is intuiton. I desire to give you as much information as I can, while encouraging and supporting your intuition, so that when the time comes YOU are making the decisions that are best for YOU.
awakening the sovereign woman
Being a self-directed woman doesn’t mean you always know what to do and when to do it. It just means you are willing to open yourself up to knowing that the answer resides within you. That when the time is right, and with intention and self-connection, it will reveal itself to you. It means you become re-embodied, feel your feelings, and trust your instincts.